Sunday, October 9, 2011

The History of The Temple of Abu Simbel

The pyramids of Giza are perhaps the most recognizable artifacts of the ancient Egyptian world.Closely behind are the Abu Simbel temples in Southern Egypt.

The Temples- The Great Temple and The Small Temple.Each temple was specially made by Pharaoh Ramses II in the 13th century BC.
The two temples of Abu Simbel were an act of ego, pride and love on the side of Ramses 2.
He ordered these temples built to:

1) Honor his victory at the Battle of Kadesh. To represent the battle, the base of the temple was carved with figures of bound captives.Scholars today believe this battle with the Hittites was a stalemate.

2) Intimidate Egypt's neighbors, the Nubians. It was Ramses’ way of trying to make an impression upon Egypt’s neighbors, as well as to force Egypt’s religion upon these neighbors.
3) Honor Nefertari: The Small Temple is a monument to his most beloved queen (out of his many wives), Nefertari. It is also dedicated to the ancient Egyptian goddess Hathor.

Honor himself: The Great Temple Ramses had built to honor himself, dedicating it to the god Re-Horakhty.

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